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Margarita Tarragona
Director of PositivaMente
Ph.D. 1989
Dissertation: Patients' Experiences of Psychotherapy between Sessions: Their Relationship to Some Input, Process, and Output Variables of Psychotherapy
Gregory Thompson
Associate Professor in the Department of Anthropology at Brigham Young University
Ph.D. 2011
Dissertation: Involving Identity: a study of the effects of identity in-interaction on the involvement of tutees in the tutoring encounter
Nadxieli Toledo Bustamante
Assistant Professor, College of Education, California State University
Ph.D. 2018
Dissertation: Socializing Attention, Emerging Participation and Language Choice: Three Case Studies in Juchitán, Oaxaca, México.
Jose Eos Trinidad
Assistant Professor, University of California-Berkley, School of Education
Ph.D. 2023
Dissertation: Organizational Networks and School Improvement: The Spread of Early Warning Indicators in a Decentralized Educational Syste

Shruti Vaidya
Lecturer, University of Illinois-Chicago
Ph.D. 2024
Dissertation: Making Up Personhood: an Ethnographic Study of Special Educators and Intellectually Disabled Adults in India
Sarah Van Deusen Phillips
Manager, Medical Volunteer Programs at Chicago Event Management
Ph.D. 2008
Dissertation: When Looking is Listening: Gesture, Multi-Modal Language, and the Socialization of Deaf Children in Castellano-Speaking Families
Gabriel Velez
Assistant Professor, Marquette University
Ph.D. 2019
Dissertation: Conceptualized Peace: A Study of Columbian Adolescents' Meaning Making and Civic Development
Ruvanee Pietersz Vilhauer
Clinical Associate Professor and M.A. Program Coordinator, Psychology Department, New York University
Ph.D. 2002
Dissertation: Making the Connection: Psychosocial Wellbeing, Group Psychotherapy and On-line Support Groups for Women with Metastatic Breast Cancer
Elayne Vollman
Assistant Professor, College of Lake Forest
Ph.D. 2021
Dissertation: Learning beyond Accuracy: Evidence for Worked Examples as a Support for Students' Proportional Reasoning Gains
Lauren S. Wakschlag
Professor and Vice Chair for Scientific & Faculty Development, Department of Medical Social Sciences at Northwestern University
Ph.D. 1992
Dissertation: Intergenerational Continuities: The Influence of Mother-Grandmother Relationships on Parenting in the African-American Young Mother Families
Janet Walker
Research Professor, School of Social Work, Portland State University
Dissertation: Manufacturing Reality: Gender, Culture, and the Resolution of Everyday Moral Conflicts
Kimberly Walters
Associate Professor of International Studies at California State University, Long Beach
Ph.D. 2015
Dissertation: Our Family Girls: From Sex Work to Sex Trafficking in South India