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Sean P. Larvie
UX Researcher with Google
Ph.D. 1998
Dissertation: Managing Desire: Sexual, Citizenship and AIDS in Contemporary Brazil
Helen Lee
Senior Researcher, Foundry10
Ph.D. 2022
Dissertation: Discussing Race: Pathways and Barriers to Critical Consciousness Development for Chinese American Youth
Helen Levesque
Adjunct Instructor in the Department of Criminal Justice, Indiana University at Bloomington
Ph.D. 1994
Dissertation: Women's Definitions of Feminity: An Investigation of Social Class Differences
Roger J.R. Levesque
Professor in the Department of Criminal Justice, Indiana University at Bloomington
Ph.D. 1990
Dissertation: Adolescents in love: An exploration of adolescent love experiences across and within five sociocultural groups
Mengyuan (Amy) Liang
Dissertation: Content Knowledge for Teaching Among Mathematics Teachers: Investigating its Inequitable Distribution and Causal Impacts on Instructional Quality and Student Outcomes
Bronwyn Nichols Lodato
Assistant Professor, Washington University in St. Louis
Ph.D. 2021
Dissertation: Riding the (Shock)Wave: Diverse Young Adult Phenomenological Processes and Postsecondary Experiences through the Great Recession and COVID-19
Lisa Sharon Lombard
Clinical Psychologist
Ph.D. 1991
Dissertation: Narcissistic consequences of female infertility: Disruption and restoration
Emily Anne Lyons
Assistant Professor, Elementary Science Education, Springfield College (Massachusetts)
Ph.D. 2019
Dissertation: Learning Under Pressure: Stereotype Threat and Evaluative Performance Pressure in the Mathematics Classroom