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Shruti Vaidya
Lecturer, University of Illinois-Chicago
Ph.D. 2024
Dissertation: Making Up Personhood: an Ethnographic Study of Special Educators and Intellectually Disabled Adults in India
Sarah Van Deusen Phillips
Manager, Medical Volunteer Programs at Chicago Event Management
Ph.D. 2008
Dissertation: When Looking is Listening: Gesture, Multi-Modal Language, and the Socialization of Deaf Children in Castellano-Speaking Families
Gabriel Velez
Assistant Professor, Marquette University
Ph.D. 2019
Dissertation: Conceptualized Peace: A Study of Columbian Adolescents' Meaning Making and Civic Development
Ruvanee Pietersz Vilhauer
Clinical Associate Professor and M.A. Program Coordinator, Psychology Department, New York University
Ph.D. 2002
Dissertation: Making the Connection: Psychosocial Wellbeing, Group Psychotherapy and On-line Support Groups for Women with Metastatic Breast Cancer
Elayne Vollman
Assistant Professor, College of Lake Forest
Ph.D. 2021
Dissertation: Learning beyond Accuracy: Evidence for Worked Examples as a Support for Students' Proportional Reasoning Gains