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Will Bennis
Scholar, University of Economics and Business, Prague
Ph.D. 2004
Dissertation: Experience, Values, Beliefs, and the Sociocultural Context In Gambling Decision Making: A Field Study of Casino Blackjack
Sam Bergmann
Professor of Psychology, Montgomery College
Ph.D. 2011
Dissertation: Who Wears the Pants?: Family Roles, Gender Role Identity, and Relationship Quality Among Female Co-Parenting Couples

Zoe Berman
Sociocultural and medical anthropology; memory; trauma; generations; youth; Rwanda
Dissertation: Ideology at the Hearth: Generational Aspirations and the Politics of Identity in Post-Genocide Rwanda
Elise Berman
Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Ph.D. 2012
Dissertation: Children Have Nothing to Hide: Deception, Age, and Avoiding Giving in the Marshall Islands
Ronan Bernas
Professor, Department of Psychology, Eastern Illinois University
Ph.D. 1995
Dissertation: Choosing and Maintaining a Position on a Socio-moral Issue: An Argumentative Reasoning Approach
Rita Biagioli
Data Scientist and Instructor at Metis
Ph.D. 2018
Dissertation: When Perceiving and Thinking about Reality as Relational Motivates Ritual Behavior: A Study of How Bengali Hindus in the U.S. and in India (Come to) Cognize Gods as Material
Mathew Bird
Professor, Universidad del Pacífico Research Center
Ph.D. 2010
Dissertation: The Other Paths: Cultural Economics, Comparative Economic Performance, and the Formation of Capitalist Mentalities in Lima Peru
Uma Blanchard
Medical and psychological anthropology; wilderness and adventure therapies; youth adolescence; mental health; educational and youth development practice; race/ethnicity; gender
Jenny Bo
Sociocultural anthropology, higher education, international education, globalization, transnationality, cosmopolitanism, life course
R. Darrell Bock
Lihanna Borhan
Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, International Islamic University Malaysia
Ph.D. 1998
Dissertation: Self-Image of Malaysian Adolescents
Angel Boulware
Child and Adolescent Development; health disparities; education; trauma; community violence; socio-determinants of health; maternal health, reproductive health
Dissertation: Resilience in Adverse Contexts: Youth and Clinician Perspectives on Navigating Community Violence in Chicago