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Sue H. Bae
Sue H. Bae, Ph.D. & Associates
Ph.D. 2001
Dissertation: The Experience of Professional Autonomy among Psychotherapists in Korea and the West
Deanna Barenboim
Department of Anthropology, Sarah Lawrence College
Ph.D. 2013
Dissertation: Belonging Out of Place: Navigating ‘Illegality’ and Indigeneity in Migrant Maya California
Naomi Bartz-McCormick
Research Project Manager in the Rehab Research Lab of William C. Miller at The University of British Columbia
M.A. 2009
Master's Thesis: "Nothing for Us Without Us:" Local Political Responses to City-Led Strategies of Neighbourhood Revitalization
Les Beldo
Principal Researcher, Gartner
Ph.D. 2014
Dissertation: Atheism & Orthodoxy: An Analysis of Moral Reasoning in the American Culture Wars
Douglas Bell
Adjunct Professor, Department of Cinema Arts & Science, Columbia College Chicago
Ph.D. 1994
Dissertation: Meetings on the Horizon of Meanings: A Cultural Analysis of Adolescents "Reading" AIDS
Will Bennis
Scholar, University of Economics and Business, Prague
Ph.D. 2004
Dissertation: Experience, Values, Beliefs, and the Sociocultural Context In Gambling Decision Making: A Field Study of Casino Blackjack
Sam Bergmann
Professor of Psychology, Montgomery College
Ph.D. 2011
Dissertation: Who Wears the Pants?: Family Roles, Gender Role Identity, and Relationship Quality Among Female Co-Parenting Couples
Zoe Berman
Sociocultural and medical anthropology; memory; trauma; generations; youth; Rwanda
Dissertation: Ideology at the Hearth: Generational Aspirations and the Politics of Identity in Post-Genocide Rwanda
Elise Berman
Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Ph.D. 2012
Dissertation: Children Have Nothing to Hide: Deception, Age, and Avoiding Giving in the Marshall Islands
Ronan Bernas
Professor, Department of Psychology, Eastern Illinois University
Ph.D. 1995
Dissertation: Choosing and Maintaining a Position on a Socio-moral Issue: An Argumentative Reasoning Approach
Rita Biagioli
Data Scientist and Instructor at Metis
Ph.D. 2018
Dissertation: When Perceiving and Thinking about Reality as Relational Motivates Ritual Behavior: A Study of How Bengali Hindus in the U.S. and in India (Come to) Cognize Gods as Material
Mathew Bird
Professor, Universidad del Pacífico Research Center
Ph.D. 2010
Dissertation: The Other Paths: Cultural Economics, Comparative Economic Performance, and the Formation of Capitalist Mentalities in Lima Peru