Conference: The Global Cochlear Implant
The University of Chicago
Friday, October 11, and Saturday, October 12, 2024
Room 302, Social Science Research Building
Click Here to Register
Sponsored by the University of Chicago and the NYU Center for Disability Studies, with funding from The National Endowment for the Humanities Dangers and Opportunities of Technology Program.
Co-sponsored by the University of Chicago Center for International Social Science Research, Center for East Asian Studies, and Department of Comparative Human Development Giannino Fund.
CART and ASL provided.

Friday, October 11, 2024
9:30-10: Introduction by Michele Friedner (University of Chicago) and Mara Mills (New York University)
10:00-10:30 Mara Mills (New York University), “There is No Such Thing as Artificial Hearing: Cochlear Implants Become Speech Processors (1964-1978)”
10:30-11:00: Soline Vennetier (Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales), “Shifting technology: a History of Cochlear Implants, Deafness, and the Deaf Community in France Since the 1960s”
11:00-11:30: Magnus Schaefer (McGill), “MED-EL: Naturalizing ‘Natural Hearing'”
11:30-12:00: Discussion: Histories of Cochlear Implants
12:00-1:00: LUNCH
1:00-1:30: Kaitlin Stack Whitney (RIT), “Cochlear and neural implants beyond the human”
1:30-2:00: Corinna Hill (RIT/NTID) and Wyatte Hall (University of Rochester Medical Center), “Reality Versus Marketing: The Role and Perceptions of the Cochlear Implant as A Language Acquisition Device Throughout History”
2:00-2:15 BREAK
2:15-2:45: Sharath Chandra Ramakrishnan (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign), “Regulatory concerns and unintended consequences in the assemblage of cochlear implantation”
2:45-3:15: Discussion: STS approaches to Cochlear Implants
6:00-7:00: RECEPTION
Saturday October 12, 2024
10:00-10:30: Timothy Loh (Princeton), “An expanded istifada: cochlear implants and regulating communication for deaf Jordanians”
10:30-11:00: Fulden Arisan (University of Chicago), “Globalizing Hearing Loss: Cochlear Implant Networks and Prosthetic Citizenship in Turkey”
11:00-11:15 BREAK
11:15-11:45: Theresia Hofer (University of Bristol) and Junhui Yang (University of Central Lancashire), “The Tech, the State and the People in the Routinization of Cochlear Implants in China”
11:45-12:15: Michele Friedner (University of Chicago), “Cochlear Implant Circuits: Geopolitical and Affective Hearing and Not-Hearing Mobilities and Networks in Pakistan”
12:15-1:15: Tsung-Lun Alan Wan (National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University), “Linguistic entrepreneurship and cochlear implants: An ethnographic context of Taiwanese deaf adults”
1:15-2:15: LUNCH
2:15-2:45: Discussion: Ethnographies of Cochlear Implants
2:45-3:15: Lindsey D. Felt (Stanford), “Cochlear Implants and Criptech Futures”
3:15-3:45: Danielle Carr (UCLA), “Emerging Concerns in the Field of Neural Implants”
3:45-4:15 Closing Discussion: Keywords and Cross-Cutting Concepts